Personal Injury Lawyers Bronx and Westchester County, New York

When You’re Hit by an Uber Driver

New York auto accident attorneyWhat happens when you're hit by an Uber driver? What about when you're the passenger and your driver is involved in a traffic accident? How do the ride-sharing companies, Uber and Lyft, handle such liability in these cases? This may be surprising, but the companies are rarely sued directly with any success.

Less oversight means a higher risk

Since Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors, they pose a higher liability on New York roadways. In 2015, data collected by the Taxi and Limousine Commission found that ride-share drivers were involved in 753 accidents that resulted in serious injuries. This accounts for more accidents than those involving yellow cab drivers. Additionally, Uber car affiliates were involved in five fatal crashes from July to December of that year.

There are many factors to consider when determining who should be held liable. Even in the case of a fatality, these companies may still not be liable. This is because Uber and Lyft drivers are technically independent contractors. For this reason, they must be held accountable individually. However, when an accident involving an Uber driver occurs, motorists or passengers affected can report the crash to Uber's insurance provider - James River Insurance.

What to do if you're involved in a crash with an Uber driver

If an Uber or Lyft driver is at fault for an accident, collect all the necessary information, if possible, after dialing 911. If you are a passenger, gathering crucial accident information is useful as well. This includes obtaining:

  • Pictures of the crash scene
  • Names and contact information of witnesses
  • Name of the driver and the company he or she drives for
  • Receipt for the ride (if you're a passenger)
  • A detailed police report

After you have followed those steps, you should hire an experienced auto accident attorney. Ride-share accidents can be complicated, as they usually involve more than two parties. Our law firm will investigate and gather the facts needed to build a strong case.

With decades of experience, the attorneys at Giampa Law know how to handle some of the most complex cases. We'll aggressively pursue your case and uncover the compensation you deserve. Contact our office today.

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